Friday, April 24, 2015

Slave to Love…

I couldn`t imagine this world without love. I think it would be as the garden without flowers or a forest without its singing birds. Everything would be empty. That is why, I am so glad and grateful that love exists.

You see, when you talk about love or even when you think about it, you can feel how your whole being changes towards a better mood, a joyful, loving one.

This is the reason love is so wonderful! It takes you to a totally new place and you feel so good!
Love is what gives color to this world and it makes it beautiful! I`m so happy that God has granted us with the opportunity to get to experience the divine touch of love.

This is what makes us humans; it`s what bonds us one with another, and especially with God himself. Love is like a bridge and through this bridge, we are connected with God. He is our creator and He loves us so much.

Everything He created, everything He placed on this planet, He did it out of love. This is how powerful love is.

Love is grace. Love is everything you need. It lifts you up, it feeds you, it caresses you when you are in pain.

Love is the ultimate gift that God handed us and one should never give up on it. When everything else seems to fall apart around you, there`s something close to you and you have it always: Love.

It is a marvel! Love is like the pretty red rose in the green garden of Life. One without the other wouldn`t be the same. The rose needs its garden, and the garden…the garden needs its rose. It is an amazingly strong bond, just as the one between God and His children.

God is the Garden and we are the roses.

He will eternally be there for us, loving us and giving us all that we need. This is what a parent does with his children. This is what God does with us, simply because He is Love. We`ll never be separated.

Much love,

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